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Find Your USDA Plant Hardiness Zone

USDA Hardiness Zone Map November 2023 update

Last updated August 15, 2024

Grow the best outdoor plants for your garden when you start with your site’s hardiness zone. “Right plant, right place” is a fundamental principle of gardening. When you know your area's USDA hardiness zone, you can select the flowers, edibles, shrubs and trees that will not just survive, but thrive in your garden.

The USDA Plant Hardiness Zone map shows average minimum winter temperatures across the country and breaks out zones. There's a total of 13 zones with temperatures ranging from -60 degrees Fahrenheit (Zone 1) to 70 degrees Fahrenheit (Zone 13). The hardiness zone map shown is the November 2023 updated version from USDA.

At the top of the hardiness zone map, you'll find Zone 1. Traveling south, the numbers increase to zone 10 in the southernmost points of the United States. Each zone represents a 10 degrees Fahrenheit range. For example, zone 7 is the pale green belt across the middle of the country. In zone 7, the average lowest temperature in winter is 0 to 10 degrees Fahrenheit.

In this guide, you'll learn your area's planting zone and how to know what to grow in your garden.


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Garden Planning

Table of Contents

  1. Know Your Hardiness Zone

  2. What Is My Planting Zone?