A: No, this door slab currently only comes unfinished. If you would like it stained, please contact our customer service department to assist you.
by|Apr 15, 2020
Q:The picture shows that this door has 5 sections and not four? Does it come with 4 middle tabs, or is there a 5th one like the picture suggests?
by|Mar 29, 2020
2 Answers
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A: We are confused as to what question you are asking. The door looks just like the image.
by|Jun 28, 2020
A: He is asking about the second picture which shows a different door. The second picture shows the door installed on a house, and that door has 5 vertical sections in the center of the door rather than the 4 sections on the stock photo.
by|Dec 12, 2021
Q:Can I purchase these doors cased (pre-hung)?
by|Mar 19, 2020
1 Answer
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A: You can order this door prehung here:
by|Mar 19, 2020
Q:Is this door available in the red chestnut stain? Can it be ordered and stained that way by the manufacturer?
by|Mar 7, 2020
1 Answer
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A: Yes, you can order it here:
by|Mar 9, 2020
Q:Is this door impact rated?
by|Jan 10, 2020
2 Answers
Answer This Question
A: We do not impact rate our doors. You can add an impact rated storm door to this door.
by|Jan 10, 2020
A: No, this door is not impact rated.
by|Jan 11, 2020
Q:Can you get this door with the frame ?
by|Dec 1, 2019
1 Answer
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A: You can find it here: