A: Yes, very. Unfortunately at the lowest speed setting it's still very noisy. I'm currently trying to find a speed controller so that I can turn down the speed of mine.
by|May 4, 2023
Q:Is the motor sealed from dust
by|Jul 7, 2016
2 Answers
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A: Yes
by|May 5, 2023
A: No
by|May 5, 2023
Q:I am considering mounting this in my family room where we watch television, how noisy is this fan?
by|Jun 29, 2016
2 Answers
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A: You won't be able to watch television with this fan on. It is pretty loud because of how much air it is moving.
by|May 5, 2023
1 found this answer helpful
A: This is a high volatility fan, I would find the air noise plus motor noise distracting.
by|May 5, 2023
Q:Why dont all Fans list the CFM ? What good is a fan that doesnt push air?
by|Jun 27, 2016
1 Answer
Answer This Question
A: Hello, Thanks for your query. Upon checking, this unit has a CFM of 2957 for low settings and 3218 for high settings.
by|Mar 18, 2022
Q:Example: I have looked at the manual and can't figure out what I did wrong.
by|Jun 14, 2016
1 Answer
Answer This Question
A: Hello, Thanks for your query. Upon checking, this unit has a CFM of 2957 for low settings and 3218 for high settings.
by|Mar 18, 2022
Q:Will one remote work with multiple fans?
by|May 19, 2016
1 Answer
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A: Yes one remote will work with mulitple fans. I bought this fan twice from a different retailer. I also own a stand fan by lasko they all came with the same remote.
by|May 3, 2023
1 found this answer helpful
Q:Do yu have any in Stock rite now for walk ins
by|Apr 23, 2016
1 Answer
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A: Matt, thank you for your recent inquiry with The Home Depot. This item is only available on-line. It is currently out of stock but has an ETA of mid-June.We appreciate your business and look forward to serving you in the future. Thank you for shopping Home Depot.
by|May 3, 2023
Q:are these fans thermaly protected to turn off if overheated?