7 Foolproof Ways to Keep Critters Out
Last updated September 7, 2023
While deer, squirrels and rabbits might look cute in your backyard, they definitely aren’t doing you or your plants any favors. It’s incredibly frustrating when wildlife turn your garden into a buffet. Protecting your plants means learning how to keep animals out.
This guide covers seven foolproof ways to keep critters out of your garden.
Table of Contents
Grow in Raised Beds
Use Repellents
Scare Them Away
Contain Compost
Be Messy
Pick Proper Plants
Grow in Raised Beds
Raised beds aren’t just great for plants and your back. They also work to keep animals out. You can build your own raised garden or buy a raised garden kit. If deer are a problem, protect your raised bed with a small wire fence around the perimeter, too.
Use Repellents
Animals are attracted to plants they find tasty. You may have noticed that they’ll eat flowers, fruits, vegetables, leaves and even plant stems. Liquid repellents work by keeping animals away with a bad smell or taste. Be sure to reapply after a rain.
You can buy animal repellents or try making your own with supplies you may already have on hand.
Liquid repellents work by keeping animals away with a bad smell or taste. Be sure to reapply after a rain. Mint is a scent and flavor that deer and some bugs find distasteful. Try applying peppermint oil on hard items, like fences, patios and rocks in your yard. Putting mint tea bags near some plants is another option.
Castor oil might keep away animals that burrow through your yard. You can add 3 tablespoons of castor oil and a tablespoon of dish soap to a gallon of water to create a homemade repellent.
Some animals don’t like spicy flavors, To keep squirrels and racoons away, you can try adding a pinch of cayenne pepper flakes to the leaves of your plants.
Strongly scented soaps can deter some animals. Some gardeners have found bars of Irish Spring can help protect their vegetables. You can put bars of unwrapped soap in small mesh bags and hang them on garden stakes close to your plants.
Scare Them Away
There’s a reason they call it a scarecrow. Garden ornaments or scarecrows can be helpful in deterring animals, but they must be moved frequently for continued success. Motion sensor lights or sprinklers, like the motion activated sprinkler shown above, may also work as scare tactics.
Contain Compost
Your plants aren’t the only ones who love healthy, nutritious compost. A pile of compost can attract a wide range of wildlife. Keep compost in a closed container with a lid to prevent animals from sniffing it out and enjoying the benefits of your garden.
Be Messy
Keeping the edges of your garden clean and tidy is an open invitation to unwanted critters. Instead, let grasses and shrubs grow around the borders of your garden as a natural fence. If all goes well, the animals will chomp on those border plants and fill up before they reach the ones you really care about.
Pick Proper Plants
Just like humans, animals have food preferences. While they might not be as picky, especially when they’re hungry, there are certain plants animals tend to stay away from. Choose especially fragrant or prickly plants to keep animals away. Try lavender, sage and peonies, for example.
Creating a border of mint around your garden may help deter deer. They don’t care for the way it smells or the way it tastes. You may want to plant mint in containers instead of in the ground, though. Mint grows quickly and spreads fast. It can easily take over your entire garden or yard.
Construct a Fence
Critters can’t eat your plants if they can’t get to them. Build a fence to ensure animals stay out of your garden. The height depends on what kind of animal that needs to be kept out. No matter how high the fence is, make sure it extends into the ground, too.
The fence should be at least a foot deep to prevent animals from digging underneath. Use wire fencing around your garden or fence in your entire yard with wood panels, bamboo or vinyl.
Once you have a fenced in yard, you can let your dog act as a garden security guard. The barks of even the smallest dog can help scare animals away from your yard. Keep an eye on your pet, though. They can sometimes destroy plants, too.
If animals are having a negative effect on your garden, it’s time to take action. There are a number of foolproof ways to keep critters out. It may take a while to figure out the most effective solution for the wildlife issues you’re experiencing, though.
Ready to keep animals away from destroying your plants with a fence, repellents and more? The Home Depot delivers online orders when and where you need them.