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Let's face it - everyone's garage needs a little help. Camping gear, sports equipment, tools or just boxes full of stuff all need a home within your home. Building strong and modular storage units and workbenches is easier than you think. Building this 4-ft wide shelving unit is fast and easy with 2x4 lumber and Simpson Strong-Tie Rigid Tie RTC2Z connectors. Create an organized, sturdy shelf unit that is ideal for the garage or basement. It can be built-in different lengths to accommodate your needs and is strong enough to hold the heaviest boxes or tools.
Dimensions: H 4.13 in, W 5.59 in, D 5.59 in
Product Depth (in.) | 5.59 in | Product Height (in.) | 4.13 in |
Product Width (in.) | 5.59 in |
Connector Finish | G185 Galvanized | Fasteners Included | Fasteners Included |
Features | No Additional Features | Gauge | 18 |
Material | Steel | Number of Pieces | 18 |
Package Quantity | 18 | Product Weight (lb.) | 10.16 lb |
Returnable | 90-Day | Type | Other |
Manufacturer Warranty | Limited Warranty |
Hello tbt10f This is Ricardo from Simpson Strong-Tie. Thank you for reaching out. In reference to your question concerning the difference between WBSK & bundle. The only difference is that the WBSK Kit is a packaged deal that also comes with printed shelving/bench plans, but they can purchase it all separately if they'd like. If you need more information or have additional questions, please contact the Simpson Strong-Tie Customer Service team at 800-999-5099. We look forward to hearing from you.
Hello Patrick, I am Colin with Simpson Strong-Tie. I do not quite understand your question, but I believe you want to know is how wide (or long) you can make a shelving unit. Inside the kit (part # WBSK) is a set of instructions on how to build a workbench or a two-shelf unit. The 4-shelf unit photo on the Home Depot site would require two WBSK kits. Typically, the shelves are nominal 24"x48" cut from full sheets of 5/8"x4x8 plywood. For more information go to , scroll down to DIY Shelving Unit and watch the You Tube video. If you need more information or have additional questions, please contact the Simpson Strong-Tie Customer Service team at 800-999-5099. We look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Megan, this is Colin from Simpson Strong-Tie. Ultimately it will depend on the size of the tote. The clearance from shelf bottom to the bottom of the shelf rail is 17 5/8". If you need more information or have additional questions, please contact the Simpson Strong-Tie Customer Service team at 800-999-5099. We look forward to hearing from you.
Hi Heyderekp, this is McKenzie from Simpson Strongtie. thank you for your message. We want to make sure we address your question. Please contact the Simpson Strong-Tie Customer Service team at 800-999-5099. We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks.
Hello BradleyBradlee, this is Stacy with Simpson Strong-Tie. According to the installations instruction I see the height between each shelf is 17 5/8". However, you can change this dimension if needed. If you wish to discuss this further please call us at (800) 999-5099. We look forward to speaking with you.
Hello Paxton321, this is Ricardo with the Simpson Strong-Tie Company. The Height is 72", the Width is 48", and the Depth is 24". These dimensions should be stated on the plans. Each kit should come with the plans in the box, but, I believe there is a link on the Home Depot website to download them as well. If you have any other questions, feel free to contact us at 800-999-5099. Hope you have a great day.
Hello oldlady, this is McKenzie with Simpson Strong-Tie. Each RTC2Z bracket installed with the included SD #8 x 1.25" screws resists 300 lbs. of download, so your assumption is correct. An 8 foot span may require bracing mid beam to prevent bowing since most of your load will be more centered. Good luck with your project.
Good morning Steve. Thank you for reaching out; this is McKenzie with Simpson Strong-Tie. The RTC2Z installed with the supplied SD#8 x 1 1/4" screws into DF/SP lumber will have a floor load of 300 and a roof load of 375.
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