Q:can you install this floor over felt carpet padding that's been layed over concrete for carpet? its tight to the floor.
by|Jan 23, 2018
2 Answers
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A: Short answer, yes. But this is not a “floor” material. It’s a rubber square
by|May 5, 2023
A: Yes, I’m assuming it’s a low piled pad? I’ve used mine in all kinds of situations. Very happy with it until my dogs decided they didn’t want it in their kennel any longer. It wasn’t even that bad to clean up. It tore in larger pieces. I’d buy it again.
by|May 5, 2023
Q:Can I use in garage to park car on?
by|Nov 12, 2017
2 Answers
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A: It’s soft foam so the weight of the vehicle will likely cause ruts to form
by|May 5, 2023
A: You can, but the tire path will begin to flatten in short period of time. I’m my experience, the mats will remain interlocked but will be flat in the tire path.
by|May 5, 2023
Q:Are they able to be put on top of carpet? Or would it be best to remove the carpet first?
by|Oct 31, 2017
4 Answers
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A: I think they would lay better on a floor without a carpet. We put ours in the basement in a weight room with just a cement floor
by|May 5, 2023
A: I use mine over carpet for a children's music class. My only issue is that the floor in my space is uneven, so the mats sometimes like to bubble up a bit, but they are easily smoothed back out.
by|Oct 31, 2017
A: If it's a plush carpet then the edges would probably become disconnected as it's stepped on. You'd need to keep reconnecting them. But if it's a low-pile carpet it'd probably be fine.
by|May 5, 2023
A: I don't see why not.
by|May 5, 2023
Q:can these be used to protect an underlying floor where a dog crate is placed?
by|Oct 12, 2017
2 Answers
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A: Yes, they will work fine.
by|May 5, 2023
A: Yes, these would be great for that purpose
by|May 5, 2023
Q:Are these tiles fire resistant or fire retardant?
by|Sep 25, 2017
2 Answers
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A: No, these tiles are not fire resistant or fire retardant.
by|May 4, 2023
A: No
by|May 5, 2023
Q:THICKNESS????????? IN INCHES OR mm??????
by|Aug 28, 2017
2 Answers
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A: The thickness is .47''.
by|May 4, 2023
A: They're 7/16" (inches).
by|May 5, 2023
Q:I have some of the Norsk Recyclamat mats in the gray color (same size 24 in x 24 in). Would these multicolored mats fit perfectly with the gray ones?
by|Aug 19, 2017
1 Answer
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A: Suzy they only will fit if the model number is similar and only two numbers change. example 240247 or 24047
by|Jan 17, 2020
Q:Has anyone rolled a treadmill or other piece of heavy, wheeled gym equipment across it? Does it roll well or does the floor start to shift and buckle upward?
by|Aug 18, 2017
2 Answers
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A: I wouldn't recommend doing that as it is very cushiony and dents easily. I purchased a rubber mat for my treadmill and rolled it on the mat while I finished laying this flooring. It is great flooring for a gym!
by|May 5, 2023
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A: The floor shifts and buckles due to each piece being snapped together. The weight of the treadmill may also dent the foam.