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How to Fix a Leaky Roof

Water stains on the ceiling near a corner show evidence of a roof leak.

Last updated September 7, 2023

Even a small roof leak can cause significant damage to a home, so it’s important to find and correct a problem as soon as it’s noticed on the ceiling. The good news is that many issues with roof leaks commonly found in homes can be easily repaired. This guide will give you some tips on how to find a roof leak and how to fix a leaky roof.




2-4 hours

Project Guide
Home Improvement Ideas
Building Material Guides

Table of Contents

  1. How to Find a Roof Leak

  2. Plumbing Vent Boots and Roof Vents

  3. Old Mounting Holes

  4. Step Flashing

  5. Dormers and Walls

  6. Tree Damage