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DIY Dog Bed

Dog laying in a DIY dog bed decorated with a wreath, lights, and blanket.

Last updated August 21, 2024


By: Candice Trevino

Smiles and PearlsMore from Candice Trevino

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Candice Trevino of Smiles and Pearls is a Texas-based Latina lifestyle blogger that enjoys sharing fashion finds, her latest home decor favorites, and taking her audience on her newbie DIY journey. She began her Smiles and Pearls Instagram page in 2017 when she was a newlywed and looking for community. She’d share her latest hauls, or daily #ootd, and all of a sudden, she was part of one of the best friend groups she ever had! She hopes that by sharing her daily life, she’ll inspire others to live joyfully, love the body they’re in, wear what they want, and trust that they can do anything they put their mind to with the right confidence!

A Note From The Home Depot

This time of year is all about spreading joy and cheer to our friends and family. Pets are a part of the family too, and Candice Trevino of Smiles and Pearls decked her dog’s bed out with a few items from The Home Depot so he’s feeling the holiday spirit too! Read below to see how she did it.

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Table of Contents

  1. DIY Dog Bed

  2. The Supplies

  3. Step 1

  4. Step 2

  5. Step 3

  6. Step 4