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How to Measure a Dishwasher

Man and two children take dishes from dishwasher and place in cabinet

Last updated December 5, 2023

A dishwasher saves you time by washing your dishes, glassware, cooking utensils and cookware. Over time, dishwashers suffer wear and tear and eventually need replacing.

When it's time for a new dishwasher, choosing one that fits your kitchen is important. This guide will teach you standard dishwasher sizes and how to measure for a dishwasher whether it's a replacement or new installation.




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Appliance Guides
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Table of Contents

  1. Standard Dishwasher Sizes

  2. Measure Dishwasher Height

  3. Measure Dishwasher Width

  4. Measure Dishwasher Depth

  5. Measure Dishwasher Clearance

  6. Measure for a Countertop Dishwasher