Flowers, shrubs and other blooming plants do much more than add color. While they're beautiful, they also support and sustain pollinators.
This guide helps you learn how to create a garden buffet for pollinators. You'll enjoy colorful blooms and add to the surrounding ecosystem. Whether you have a small, medium or large garden, we've got you covered.
Pamper Pollinators
Bees, butterflies and hummingbirds play a vital part in the ecosystem. Other pollinators include moths, flies and bats. They’re the unsung heroes in fertilizing plants. Their movements ensure the production of seeds. They help carry pollen from one plant to another. These plants bring us countless fruits, vegetables and nuts. They help supply half the world's oils, fibers and raw materials. The plants even prevent soil erosion and increase carbon sequestration. Even a small garden can make a big impact.
Pollinators provide services to over 180,000 plant species across the globe. There are many plants that make your garden pollinator friendly. There are so many beautiful flowering perennials and annuals. Many shrubs, herbs and trees also attract pollinators. To attract pollinators, select plants with yellow, red, orange or blue petals.
Pollinators love a fresh, mild and flowery sweet scent.
Borage is a good example. It produces blue, star-shaped petals. Its nectar is sweet, so bees love it. A butterfly bush is great for, you guessed it, attracting butterflies. Its blooms are purple, white and pink. The scent is lovely and the shrub lasts for decades with proper care.
Milkweed attracts bees, butterflies and hummingbirds. Famous for attracting monarchs, their sweet nectar feeds many pollinators. The beautiful perennial blooms with yellow, orange and red colors.
Plant Native Flowers, Trees and Shrubs
Pollinators get much of the nectar and pollen they need from native plants. Nurture the native flowers, trees and shrubs you already have. Think native when adding long-lived plants to your landscape. No matter where you are, try butterfly bush, redbud trees, lilies or yarrow. Below are native species for specific US regions.
Maritime Northwest Region:
- Bigleaf lupine
- Douglas meadowfoam
- Showy milkweed
- Canada goldenrod
- Douglas aster
- Buckbrush
- Bleublossom
Mid-Atlantic Region:
- Lanceleaf coreopsis
- Butterfly milkweed
- Purple coneflower
- Field thistle
- New England aster
- Seaside goldenrod
- Highbush blueberry
- Basswood
Midwest Region:
- Cream wild indigo
- Wild geranium
- Purple prairie clover
- Culver's root
- Missouri ironweed
- Wingstem
- Ninebark
- Buttonbush
Northeast Region:
- Spiderwort
- Blue vervain
- Cardinal flower
- Wild golden glow
- Calico aster
- Wrinkleleaf goldenrod
- Raspberry bush
- Virginia rose
Choose Flowers with Long Bloom Periods
Plant flowers that bloom at different times. This is so pollinators can find nectar throughout the season. Use annuals and perennials, flowering shrubs, vines and trees. Among garden-size bloomers, anise hyssop and blanket flower bloom intermittently for months. This allows pollinators to check for new blossoms daily. These flowers tend to reseed themselves and are low-maintenance.
Other options include:
- Milkweed
- Salvia
- Zinnia
- Tickseed
- Sedum
Tip: Check your hardiness zones and garden calendars for the best results.
Grow in Containers
If you don’t have a garden, use containers. Use hanging baskets, vertical garden planters and window boxes. The pollinators will find these just the same. The closer they are together, the more success you'll see.
How to Add Flowers for Pollinators
- Choose a location: Select a sunny location. Add your garden to existing ones. Or, grow a special pollinator-friendly garden.
- Remove weeds: Once you determine your planting area, remove all weeds. Learn ways to whack weeds and start the season off right.
- Go bright: Select flowering blooms in bright colors. Choose ones that have nectar and sticky, scented pollen. Pollinators typically go for red, blue, orange, yellow, pink and purple. They love plants with flat flower heads or blooms that grow in clusters.
- Plan your garden: Plan your garden by arranging masses of flowers and blooms that can easily be spotted. Plant tall flowers near the back of the garden. Pollinators love tall blooms such as coneflower, zinnia or sunflower. They also love black-eyed Susan, butterfly bush and aster. These tall flowers present a landing-like platform for pollinators. Salvia, yarrow or snapdragon are perfect for medium blooms. So is catmint, penstemon and lamb’s ears. Plant the shortest plants in the front. Options are viola, verbena and herbs lavender. Or herbs, like rosemary and oregano, work as well. If you’re planting in a container or against a wall, try using flower seeds. Garden centers offer a pollinator seed mix or a butterfly seed mix. Use these mixes to direct sow in your garden. These pre-mixed seeds come with multiple varieties of flowers. Options include zinnia or tickseed that bloom at intervals all season long. Use a frost date calendar as a guide to know when to plant your seeds and flowers.
- Plant blooms: To plant, dig a hole with a garden shovel the depth of the plant’s root ball. Use gardening gloves to protect your hands. Gently remove the plant from its container and place in the hole. Cover roots with compost and pat firm so the plant stands tall. Add a 2-inch layer of mulch on top for extra protection. It will work against weeds and help keep plants moist.
- Water well: Be sure to keep your garden watered well. For planters, water with a garden hose with a watering wand. Or, use a watering can. For larger gardens, use drip irrigation or soaker hoses.
- Fertilize: Boost your blooms in your garden by adding plant fertilizer. Feed according to fertilizer instructions. Use organic fertilizer for blooming edible herbs.
Making a garden buffet for pollinators is rewarding. Ready to take the next step in aiding your local ecosystem? For anything you need, The Home Depot offers online orders when and where you need them.