#1 Home Improvement Retailer
Jodi Bond Headshot
Jodi Bond is a full time blogger, content creator, Mom of four, and fearless DIY’er from Atlanta, Georgia. Never afraid to try new things, she loves creating welcoming and attainable spaces using color, ingenuity, and a bit of hard work. Most days you can find her, coffee in hand, bouncing between building a new project, homeschooling her children, and sharing the whole journey on Instagram. You can find her work online at House on a Sugar Hill and @houseonasugarhill.
Transform Your Front Yard Into a Haunted Graveyard for Halloween
Influencer Guide

Transform Your Front Yard Into a Haunted Graveyard for Halloween

Watch your step when you walk through this eerie graveyard! Jodi Bond of House on a Sugar Hill transformed her walkway and front yard into a graveyard display. This would make anyone’s hair rise thanks to decor from The Home Depot.