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Wine Coolers Buying Guide

A home bar with built-in wine cooler.

Last updated September 7, 2023

Whether you’re a wine aficionado or you’re just learning the difference in varietals, understanding proper wine storage is essential to getting the most out of the wine’s flavor. While you can store wine in your home refrigerator, a dedicated wine cooler is actually the ideal storage device for wine. Also known as wine refrigerators, wine coolers ensure that your wine ages well and stays fresh until you’re ready to enjoy it. This guide will break down the different types of wine coolers.


Buying Guide
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Kitchen Appliances

Table of Contents

  1. Things to Consider

  2. Size of Wine Cooler

  3. Styles of Wine Cooler

  4. Cooling Zones

  5. Wine Cooler Noise and Efficiency

  6. Other Features to Look For