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How to Grout Tile


Last updated January 11, 2024

Grout is used to fill spaces in between tiles. Most grout product options come in powder form, but pre-mixed containers are available as well. Whichever option you choose, follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how to mix grout. Keep any leftover dry mix for future repairs and make sure to store it in moisture-free areas.

This guide explains how to apply grout to tile, how to use a float and sponge, and how to apply sealant and caulk. Whether you're making a repair with grout or installing new tile and grout, start with a clean tile surface.




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Table of Contents

  1. Prepare Tile for Grout

  2. Choose a Grout Color

  3. Mix and Apply Grout

  4. Hold the Grout Float at a 90-Degree Angle

  5. Wipe Tile with a Damp Sponge

  6. Use a Damp Cloth to Remove Haze