#1 Home Improvement Retailer

Kitchen Ideas & Projects

101 Results
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How to Stain Butcher Block
Project Guide

How to Stain Butcher Block

Time2-4 hours

Learn how to stain butcher block by following these simple instructions

Affordable Kitchen Updates
Project Guide

Affordable Kitchen Updates

TimeOver 1 day

Get the new kitchen you've always wanted with an affordable facelift

How to Install Wall Cabinets
Project Guide

How to Install Wall Cabinets

TimeOver 1 day

Increase your storage space and improve your kitchen's appearance by installing wall cabinets

How to Install Butcher Block Countertops
Project Guide

How to Install Butcher Block Countertops

TimeOver 1 day

Learn to install a butcher block countertop to upgrade your kitchen’s look

Showing 97-101 of 101 results.
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