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How to Get Rid of Poison Ivy Plants


Last updated September 7, 2023

There are many poisonous plants in our gardens and yards that can cause an allergic reaction and irritate your skin. Protecting your outdoor space against vines like poison ivy is important and requires focus to remove it entirely.

Poison ivy plants can be difficult to eliminate because this invasive vine spreads by seed and also by rhizomes in the soil. Take care to properly identify poison ivy and then remove it from your landscape.

The irritant in poison ivy, urushiol, is spread through an oil that you can’t see or feel. It is often believed that a poison ivy rash is spread by scratching, but the spreading happens before the rash appears, when urushiol is accidentally transferred around the body or on tools and other surfaces. For example, if you get it on your hands then touch your face, you will transfer the oil to your face and spread the irritant. Urushiol can also transfer from clothing and tools to your skin and cause a reaction.

This guide offers different methods for successfully killing poison ivy with the tools and supplies like weed and grass killers, and also several organic options.

Safety Tip: Always protect your eyes and skin when removing and disposing of poison ivy plants. Wear long sleeves, long pants, socks and work boots. Protect your hands with work gloves. The Home Depot has the tools and supplies to keep you safe from exposure.




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Table of Contents

  1. Identify and Remove Poison Ivy

  2. Chemical Removal

  3. Natural Removal

  4. Disposal