#1 Home Improvement Retailer

How to Install Heated Floors


Last updated August 7, 2024

Instead of blowing hot air through a vent or pumping hot water to a baseboard radiator along the wall, in-floor radiant heat warms up the entire floor. The heat is made possible in two ways: either through pipes or tubing carrying hot water embedded in or directly below the floor, or via electric mats embedded in the floor.

This guide will show you how to install heated floors and covers the basic steps for installing electric mat radiant floor heat.




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Project Guide
Home Decor Ideas
Flooring Ideas & Projects
Flooring Installation
Any Room

Table of Contents

  1. Radiant Heat Options

  2. Where to Install

  3. Choosing the Right Flooring Materials

  4. Installing Underfloor Electric Radiant Heat

  5. Inspect and Test the Mat

  6. Rough-In the Electrical