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49 Results
Learn more about choosing and installing a dog door in your home
Skill Level: Intermediate
Time: 2-4 hours
Considering getting a new door for a fresh look? Follow along as Dylan and Molly of Woodbrew share their experience with the Millwork Virtual Apron service.
Use this guide to make informed decisions when selecting weatherstripping to reduce energy costs in your home
Find the best door knob type and finish for your home
Hang sliding barn doors inside your home for a trendy DIY upgrade
Time: Over 1 day
Transform your home's appearance with a new set of garage doors
Upgrade to a smart door lock that combines security and convenience
Cara Irwin of Goldalamode specializes in interior design, DIY and lifestyle blogging. Check out how Cara puts her design skills to the test in this step-by-step DIY closet doors tutorial.
Learn more about popular entry door styles
Let in style and light with a door upgrade from The Home Depot. Watch as Anthony Rodriguez of 136home finds harmony between modern and classic, light and security with a Dutch Door DIY with help from The Home Depot.
Follow along as we install pre-hung French doors along with a custom-made transom window. See how the doors totally transform the room!
Dylan Benjamin achieved his office space remodel with a DIY sliding barn door and a few affordable and stylish items from The Home Depot.
Increase the curb appeal of your house with a new entry door
Mike Poorman from Woodshop Mike walks through how to build a DIY screen door from scratch. Read more to find out how to do it yourself.
Caitlin Kruse has wanted to replace her front door since they moved in. With a few simple upgrades, Caitlin's porch is now festive and ready for Fall.
DIY Dutch Door Tutorial with Schlage Smart Lock
Replacing a front door isn't a difficult DIY project, but it can pay off with better curb appeal, security and energy efficiency.
Learn how a new garage door increases your home‘s curb appeal
Explore types of interior doors that add beauty to your home while providing privacy and reducing noise
Storm and screen doors can add ventilation and an extra layer of security to your home
With a dog door, your pet can go in and out anytime
Curb appeal is important when renovating a forever home. Brittany Kollmer of October Acres shows how new garage doors make an impact on your curb appeal.
Find closet door designs that complement your home and your style
Curb appeal is important for a fixer upper. Sarah Dorsey of Dorsey Designs shows how new windows and a front door can impact on your home’s curb appeal.
Viewing 1-24 of 49 results.